IEHA Photo Gallery

IEHA photo gallery

Most viewed - Food Safety
FS-0005184 viewsPhoto Date: 2/9/15
Photo Credit: JoAnn Xiong-Mercado
Description: Approved chemical for a food establishment - a commercial grade of Raid bug spray
FS-0031184 viewsPhoto Date: July, 3, 2015
Photo Credit: Ron Clark
Description: One of many food vendors in the main market, Cusco, Peru
FS-0026182 viewsPhoto Date: 3/22/2016
Photo Credit: Jennifer Rugenstein
Description: This is a sink with an airgap. Good example for showing a well- constructed airgap between a sewer line and a sink.
FS-0027180 viewsPhoto Date: 11-30-2016
Photo Credit: Melissa Papp
Description: Pig skins, draped over a grocery cart, in the storage room drying in the ambient air. Skins use to make Chicharrones. Establishment staff reported it took 2-4 days to dry the skins.

*2017 Photo Contest Winner for Foods category
FS-0003b179 viewsPhoto Date: 3/24/2014
Photo Credit: Patty Nocek
Description: Homemade scoop found in local restaurant.
FS-0006179 viewsPhoto Date: 02/25/2015
Photo Credit: JoAnn Xiong-Mercado
Description: Food workers had time to make snowmen. There’s a saying in the food industry, “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean.”
FS-0008179 viewsPhoto Date: 04/20/2015
Photo Credit: JoAnn Xiong-Mercado
Description: Sticky fly strip hanging above the clean and sanitized drain board of the 3-bay sink.
FS-0011a178 viewsPhoto Date: 01/27/2015
Photo Credit: JoAnn Xiong-Mercado
Description: Missing plumbing for hand sink, mop sink next to hand sink, no 3-bay sink onsite.
FS-0011b175 viewsPhoto Date: 02/27/2015
Photo Credit: JoAnn Xiong-Mercado
Description: Recheck inspection for the missing plumbing for hand sink. They installed the 3-bay sink, but took out the mop sink. A mop sink is a required piece of equipment for a food establishment.
FS-0007b167 viewsPhoto Date: 04/18/2015
Photo Credit: JoAnn Xiong-Mercado
Description: Temporary event with free yogurt. Too much product being taken out in the sun without cold holding. A refrigerated truck was onsite, but was not being used to keep the yogurt cold until needed, taking too many pallets out and not going through it quick enough.
FS-0042B69 viewsPhoto Date: 6/2015
Photo Credit: Jennifer Heller
Description: This was a “kitchen” in the woods that a local entrepreneur was using to process produce for sale to a Bloomington grocery. There are three photos in the series…
FS-0061H69 viewsPhoto Date: 3-18-2019
Photo Credit: Melissa Papp, FSIO
Description: Photos taken during routine inspection which resulted in 7-C; 12 N-C and 4 repeat violations being cited.
98 files on 9 page(s) 4