IEHA Photo Gallery

IEHA photo gallery

Most viewed - Wastewater
WW-001256 viewsPhoto Date: August 9, 2018
Photo Credit: Joe Rakoczy
Description: During a recent soil investigation in a rural county, 3 young children seem fascinated with what that person is doing in that hole.
WW-001352 viewsPhoto Date: 7/9/2019
Photo Credit: Traci Bauman
Description:Complaint investigation re: camper in back yard of a rental property disposing of sewage via bucket.
WW-001447 viewsPhoto Date: 2/16/2019
Photo Credit: Nathan Scherer
Description:Dye Test Performed and discharging Septic System

**2019 IEHA Photo Contest Winner for Wastewater Category**
WW-001547 viewsPhoto Date: December 23 2019
Photo Credit: Jennifer Heller
Description: The riser on a sewer line in the Batiquitos Lagoon near San Diego California. There is a walking path along the edge of the lagoon
WW-001639 viewsPhoto Date: 2018
Photo Credit: Jennifer Heller
Description: This shows the wastewater from the town & abbey of St. Meinrad traveling through the viaduct to the wastewater holding pond--it's maybe the same age as the abbey, founded in 1854.
17 files on 2 page(s) 2