IEHA Photo Gallery

IEHA photo gallery

Last additions - Emergency Response
ER-003731 views**2021 Photo Contest Winner: TAHP Category**
Photo Date: unknown
Photo Credit: Jennifer Heller
Description: This photo shows a mass casualty exercise from a staged airplane crash. Each grid is searched & logged as to contents.
Nov 26, 2021
ER-003644 viewsPhoto Date: March 7 2020
Photo Credit: Jennifer Heller
Description: Ron Clark of ISDH Swabbing an area on an air conditioner in a hotel room for possible meth contamination.
Jan 04, 2021
ER-003549 viewsPhoto Date: April 10 2020
Photo Credit: Jennifer Heller
Description: Result of a tornado that hit Mooresville downtown for about one block. This building sustained the most damage.
Jan 04, 2021
ER-003450 viewsPhoto Date: August 2020
Photo Credit: Amy Ayers
Description: Semi truck accident on 65 South in Whitestown, Indiana. Semi carrying refrigerated medical supplies. Truck caught on fire and exploded. Clean up and investigation.

*2020 Photo Contest Winner for TAHP category
Jan 04, 2021
ER-003147 viewsPhoto Date:11/19/2018
Photo Credit: Kyle Fender
Description: 4 vehicle accident occurred involving a pickup truck, two semis, and a private mail truck. The vehicles spilled vehicle fluids on the roadway and one of semi trailers lost several cans of Pepsi products on the roadway.
Dec 30, 2019
ER-003254 viewsPhoto Date: 8/26/2019
Photo Credit: Kyle Fender
Description: A semi jackknifed into a guardrail and drove off the road spilling at least 70+ gallons of diesel fuel into the soil along the interstate
Dec 30, 2019
ER-003346 viewsPhoto Date:8/26/2019
Photo Credit: Kyle Fender
Description: A semi jackknifed into a guardrail and drove off the road spilling at least 70+ gallons of diesel fuel into the soil along the interstate
Dec 30, 2019
ER-003053 viewsPhoto Date: 1/21/2018
Photo Credit: Megan Rowe
A fire at an auto repair shop resulted in a large amount of fire suppression water. The large volume of water overwhelmed the storm system and led to first responder safety issues.
Dec 31, 2018
ER-002950 viewsPhoto Date: October 26, 2018
Photo Credit: Jason Ravenscroft
Description: Booms placed around a storm drain after a spill from an aboveground diesel storage tank.
Nov 12, 2018
ER-0028192 viewsPhoto Date: 1/11/2017
Photo Credit: Jyl Madlem
Description: January on the way home from one of my many trips to East Chicago in response to the lead situation there. This happened right in front of me. In fact, I called 911, requested hazmat specifically due to the fuel spill and tried to keep the driver calm until paramedics arrived. I thought I was going to crash into the semis trailer. I really didn’t know semis could defy the laws of physics in such a way.

*2017 Photo Contest Winner for TAHP category
Oct 03, 2017
ER-0027168 viewsPhoto Date: January 1, 2010
Photo Credit: Ron Clark
Description: EPA contractor monitoring for mercury in a classroom after a student brought a bottle of mercury to school and spilled it in the lockers and classroom.
Oct 03, 2017
ER-0026173 viewsPhoto Date: 10/5/2012
Photo Credit: Ron Clark
Description: EPA contractor using a torch to vaporize mercury in the cracks in the pavement. Children waiting on a school bus found mercury switches outside an abandoned building. They left some of the switches on the street so the bus would drive over them. The switches are made out of glass and easily broken.
Oct 03, 2017
37 files on 4 page(s) 1