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SW-0012A58 viewsPhoto Date: 9/5/2019
Photo Credit: Alan Martin, REHS
Description: I found this fast food service in my county pouring oil into the storm drain just outside of the kitchen door. The oil made its way to the drain way at the front of the store.

HH-003558 viewsPhoto Date: 5-20-11
Photo Credit: Mark Miller
Description: Cat litter pile
**2019 IEHA Photo Contest Winner for GEH Category**

FS-0044B58 viewsPhoto Date: April 3, 2019
Photo Credit: Adrianne Northcutt
Description: A local restaurant moved his kitchen from one side of the building to the next without contacting the health department or the fire department. They thought this would be acceptable.

FS-004958 viewsPhoto Date: 8/13/19
Photo Credit: Anonymous Complaint
Description: Just a monkey...eating a dinner roll...in the bar, don't worry it's a service animal
**2019 IEHA Photo Contest Winner for Food Protection Category**

FS-005158 viewsPhoto Date: 9-12-11
Photo Credit: Mark Miller
Description: Chinese food distributor truck.

FS-0060E58 viewsPhoto Date: 5-23-2019
Photo Credit: Melissa Papp, FSIO
Description: Photos taken during inspection performed while investigating a consumer report that a mouse had been seen running along the rear wall inside the facility. At the time of the inspection, mouse droppings were present throughout. Debris and residue accumulations on equipment. Receipts/reports from pest control showed service visits had increased to every week during one month. A dead rodent was seen on a sticky trap in a food prep area.

HH-003057 viewsPhoto Date: August 22, 2018
Photo Credit: Jason Ravenscroft
Description: Deteriorating soffits.

SW-0012B57 viewsPhoto Date: 9/5/2019
Photo Credit: Alan Martin REHS
Description: I found this fast food service in my county pouring oil into the storm drain just outside of the kitchen door. The oil made its way to the drain way at the front of the store.

SHW-002257 viewsPhoto Date: 07/18/2019
Photo Credit: Kyle Fender
Description: A vehicle rear-ended a box truck and a chemical began to spill out of the rear of the box truck. The spill was determined to be from open buckets asphalt sealcoating material.

SHW-0024B57 viewsPhoto Date: 02/11/2019
Photo Credit: Kyle Fender
Description: Containers of vehicle fluids were improperly disposed of in a dumpster and the leaking fluids mixed with the melting snow in the dumpster and leaked onto the pavement at a facility located within a wellfield protection area.

HH-0036B57 viewsPhoto Date: June 28, 2019
Photo Credit: Nathan Scherer ACHD
Description: Hoarder house. Used sanitary paper and human fecal in bucket

FS-0046B57 viewsPhoto Date: July 29, 2019
Photo Credit: Adrianne Northcutt
Description: Received a report of a live worm on fresh salmon. The individual brought the salmon in, the worm was alive and moving, and then decided to stand up straight for the pictures.
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