IEHA Photo Gallery

IEHA photo gallery

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OWS-0030c56 viewsPhoto Date: March 13, 2018
Photo Credit: Jason Ravenscroft
Description: Inside a dry well in Indianapolis.
WW-001256 viewsPhoto Date: August 9, 2018
Photo Credit: Joe Rakoczy
Description: During a recent soil investigation in a rural county, 3 young children seem fascinated with what that person is doing in that hole.
HS-0010B56 viewsPhoto Date: September 2018
Photo Credit: Jessica Bergdall
Description: Dead Pigs piled in and along a ditch to compost (Improper Composting Procedures)
FS-0044A56 viewsPhoto Date: April 3, 2019
Photo Credit: Adrianne Northcutt
Description: A local restaurant moved his kitchen from one side of the building to the next without contacting the health department or the fire department. They thought this would be acceptable.
FS-005056 viewsPhoto Date: 8/12/19
Photo Credit: Jessica Brown
Description: Fresh Fish for Sale?
OWS-002855 viewsPhoto Date: April 12, 2018
Photo Credit: Jason Ravenscroft
Description: Flimsy plywood covering a septic tank.
OWS-002955 viewsPhoto Date: March 13, 2018
Photo Credit: Jason Ravenscroft
Description: Septic tank.
FS-004755 viewsPhoto Date: 3/4/19
Photo Credit: Sharon Pattee
Description: Heath Department workers responding to food semi accident on Indiana toll road.
FS-005655 viewsPhoto Date: 6/14/2019
Photo Credit: Melissa Ackerman
Description: Dog tied down in the service area of a restaurant on the Big Island, Hawaii
FS-0060A55 viewsPhoto Date: 5-23-2019
Photo Credit: Melissa Papp, FSIO
Description: Photos taken during inspection performed while investigating a consumer report that a mouse had been seen running along the rear wall inside the facility. At the time of the inspection, mouse droppings were present throughout. Debris and residue accumulations on equipment. Receipts/reports from pest control showed service visits had increased to every week during one month. A dead rodent was seen on a sticky trap in a food prep area.
FS-005755 viewsPhoto Date: 6/30/2019
Photo Credit: Melissa Ackerman
Description: Ice scoop hanging from retractable dog leash so it would not become contaminated from employees improper storage practices. (It actually worked extremely well)
FS-0060G55 viewsPhoto Date: 5-23-2019
Photo Credit: Melissa Papp, FSIO
Description: Photos taken during inspection performed while investigating a consumer report that a mouse had been seen running along the rear wall inside the facility. At the time of the inspection, mouse droppings were present throughout. Debris and residue accumulations on equipment. Receipts/reports from pest control showed service visits had increased to every week during one month. A dead rodent was seen on a sticky trap in a food prep area.
400 files on 34 page(s) 26